Demo V2 Update Information

For this update i focused on fixing up bugs that existed in the game and sounds.

Sounds have been added that allow things to feel more responsive and interactive, from interactions with the puzzles to that chat box having beeps and boops, you should get an audio feedback from your actions.

The shotgun has been fixed to sound less like a noisy hammer of god but instead a nice shotgun sound that feels impactful but doesn't blow out your ears.

The enemies also got a few sounds though i've turned them down a bit so you don't have to worry about them being too repetitive.

The arrows now change to show you what direction you're going instead of always showing an arrow pointing to a door.

Bug fixes:
Fixed the ammo bug where if you were out of ammo you could fire if you swapped to your next weapon.

Fixed the hang up on fight 2 and 4 where the enemy would sometimes randomly break and not attack leading to no counter shots meaning the fight locked up.

Fixed the issues with the items being clickable in the background in the menu.

Fixed the health bar breaking if it went full.

Fixed the ammo counter so that it functions correctly and displays properly.

Many other tiny fixes were added but i can't remember them all.


Forerunners ymir Demo 51 MB
Dec 16, 2020

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